We see the coronavirus also acting as a great amplifier,” she says. “In Taiwan, we put data controllership ultimately in the social sector.” It’s not, in other words, a place for politicians who like hoarding secret information. audrey tang taiwan digital minister
audrey tang digital minister taiwan - fast fair fun
Audrey Tang is a Taiwanese free software programmer and Taiwan's Digital Minister, who has been described as one of the "ten greats of Taiwanese computing personalities".
socialinnovationexchange.org › insights › 5-things-we-should-learn-ta...
www.wired.com › story › how-taiwans-unlikely-digital-minister-hack...
www.wionews.com › world › exclusive-fast-fair-and-fun-taiwans-digi...
distribute mask convenience store
30 second mask stocking map - maxinise society trust
fun - premier we only have one butt
humor over rumor
qz.com › taiwan-is-using-humor-to-quash-coronavirus-fake-news
dont keep people in dark, amplify peoples good ideas
transparency at root
issue daily transcript online of how we brainstormed policy ask public to improve policy
admit gov doesnt know social diffusion -the public does viral diffusion
public participate in co-creating solution
if producers not primarily gov, gov becomes the platform not the judge
best ideas on ground dont come from big organisations
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we need most practical ideas go viral, remixed
soft form of (rough) consensus ok we can live with this not claiming perfection
there is a crack in everything and that is how the light gets in
the pandemic can be a freat liberaliser
now is perfect time for social innovators to some with idea everyone can live with
#taiwan can help
tortoise story - how to handle covid
We see the coronavirus also acting as a great amplifier,” she says. “In Taiwan, we put data controllership ultimately in the social sector.” It’s not, in other words, a place for politicians who like hoarding secret information. audrey tang taiwan digital minister
audrey tang digital minister taiwan - fast fair fun
Audrey Tang is a Taiwanese free software programmer and Taiwan's Digital Minister, who has been described as one of the "ten greats of Taiwanese computing personalities".
5 things we should learn from Taiwan to build a resilient society
Jul 28, 2020 - Audrey Tang notes “I remember that the internet and democracy weren't ... it was actively deployed in order to organise “Fast, fair and fun” principles. ... When Dr. Li Wenliang first posted online of new SARS cases in Wuhan, ...
Audrey Tang (born 18 April 1981; formerly known as Autrijus Tang, Chinese: 唐宗漢 Táng Zōnghàn) is a Taiwanese free software programmer and Taiwan's Digital Minister, who has been described as one of the "ten greats of Taiwanese computing personalities".
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Web results
How Taiwan's Unlikely Digital Minister Hacked the Pandemic ...
Jul 23, 2020 - Enter Audrey Tang, the Taiwan government's digital minister. Tang was one of the thousands of Taiwanese who had pounced on Wu's map. In a ...
EXCLUSIVE | 'Fast, fair and fun': Taiwan's Digital Minister ...
Aug 24, 2020 - EXCLUSIVE | 'Fast, fair and fun': Taiwan's Digital Minister shares mantra ... and world's first transgender minister Audrey Tang shared insights on not ... when Chinese doctor Li Wenliang first informed about novel coronavirus, ...
Jun 22, 2020
Digital minister Audrey Tang shares how Taiwan avoided a COVID-19 ... I would like to share today about ...distribute mask convenience store
30 second mask stocking map - maxinise society trust
fun - premier we only have one butt
humor over rumor
Taiwan is using humor to quash coronavirus fake news ...
Jun 5, 2020 - Speaking at the TED conference this week, Taiwan's digital minister Audrey Tang explained how a tactic called “humor over rumor” has ...
dont keep people in dark, amplify peoples good ideas
transparency at root
issue daily transcript online of how we brainstormed policy ask public to improve policy
admit gov doesnt know social diffusion -the public does viral diffusion
public participate in co-creating solution
if producers not primarily gov, gov becomes the platform not the judge
best ideas on ground dont come from big organisations
new democracy - democracy happens every day if you do fast fair fun- blockchain helps
we need most practical ideas go viral, remixed
soft form of (rough) consensus ok we can live with this not claiming perfection
there is a crack in everything and that is how the light gets in
the pandemic can be a freat liberaliser
now is perfect time for social innovators to some with idea everyone can live with
#taiwan can help
tortoise story - how to handle covid
For many older Taiwanese there is a deep fear of a return to the “bad old days of martial law”, which ended in 1987. As a result, while younger Taiwanese accept a higher level of digital intrusion than might be expected, the older generation ensures there is a check against government excesses.
Tang is quick to point out that Taiwan’s digital fencing app does not track individuals inside that 50 metre radius fence. It uses existing telecoms data and blockchain-like technology, so that no extra data is collected or retained. People’s identity is not held beyond the period of quarantine, following a post-SARS legislative decision that makes it unconstitutional even during a period of national emergency.
To avoid, in Tang’s words, “the fear, uncertainty and doubt of panic buying”, another open-data app, running on a version of blockchain software known as a GitHub ledger, recorded all stocks of freely-available face masks and sanitisers in pharmacies nationwide, with updates every three seconds at the height of the emergency. (They now come every three minutes.)
But oddly for a nation so advanced in information technology and precision engineering, the most important technology in the fight against Covid is soap, says Tang. “People don’t need a top-down order to wash their hands, people remind each other to wash their hands well.” Nor do they need to be told to wear face masks or socially distance.
Similarly, it wasn’t their strong biotech sector that led Taiwan to be one of the first countries to alert the world to a new human-to-human transmission that looked a lot like SARS. It was a social media post by the Chinese whistleblower Dr Li Wenliang at around 2am on 31 December 2019. Tang remembers it like the date of a declaration of war.
People were getting sick in Wuhan, and Taiwanese social media picked it up immediately. A few hours later, on 1 January, health inspections were being carried out on flights to Taiwan from Wuhan, followed by the banning of all flights from China in early February.
Tang talks fluently about the importance of having an active civil society that empowers itself through an open-source governance system that she helped to build. “We see the coronavirus also acting as a great amplifier,” she says. “In Taiwan, we put data controllership ultimately in the social sector.” It’s not, in other words, a place for politicians who like hoarding secret information.
“Realtime open data through [blockchain] ledgers is one of the most powerful ways democracy can empower everybody, not just the people who are decision-makers,” Tang explains. “Trusting people with open data…is essential, and sometimes people trust back. Sometimes they don’t, but it’s all OK.”
She believes countries that encourage social innovation will develop new privacy enhancing technologies, “empowering personal freedom of thought.” Data should be “curated and produced by everyday citizens,” helping to make government more transparent. Taiwanese children are taught in school how to be data producers, not just consumers. A big part of teachers’ role is to remind children to check their sources; “to not repeat what you hear, but rather to do some fact-checking to understand the framing effect on society”.
Could Tang-style technology be an answer to fracturing social cohesion and public trust in Western democracies? Her reply should come with an upside-down smiley face emoji. “We don’t care that much about whether people trust the government or not, but we care a lot about the government trusting its people.”
Sigur Center
Wed, 9 Sep at 13:34
Dear attendees,
Thank you for your interest in the Sigur Center for Asian Studies' programming and the first of our fall Taiwan Roundtables, which will examine cooperation on security, health, and travel during a pandemic. Tomorrow, our expert panelists will cover the following topics before we move into audience Q&A:
COVID-19 and Taiwan's International Prospects: Vincent Wang, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Adelphi University
International Security and Multilateral Participation: Jessica Graham, President, JG Global Advisory LLC
Discussant: Shannon Tiezzi, Editor-in-Chief, The Diplomat
Moderator: Deepa M. Ollapally, Associate Director, Sigur Center for Asian Studies