Good news 2/3 people; can find community and web labs almost every deepest community challenge
sad news not where multilateral monetary systems were designed - only one of g8 was asian; japan most radical soc dev challenge 1945-1960; un twin usa and geneva not much asia mapping
happy future shock 1962 - japan already labbed 2 most vital asia rising models compatible with neumann economic journalist question since 1951 - what goods to do with 100 times more tech every decade 30s through 20s
the lab i didnt know about to dad died- started with this problem,;
imagine being public servant for a place with no electricity where 20 babies are born each month per sq mile and you are responsible for 16 sq miles and when you start this; the general truth that half of human development happens by age 6 has a twist in tropical villages - a third of kids will die of dehydration or have permanently undeveloped brains by age 3.
would it be logical to map how each 20 babies per sq mile can become a cohort; meeting communally twice a week with a nurse and in a way that mothers maximise cooperation services to each other; at the same time you design microfranchises mothers can operate to deliver life assuring services - eg rice to end starvation; knowhow and access to most basic medicines - and new mother to mother training or oral rehydration;
what if what you stated in one region where 15000 mothers w3ent from no productivity to being the core of the rural economy was needed by 90% of the peoples in your new nation - the 8th most populous and the poorest (kissingers basket) case. suppose that for 2.5 decades your village mothers empowerment networks have no access to electricity - so this the cooperation platform you invite partners to come and innovate development solutions- then from 1996 partner begin to bring solar and mobile so you can begin leapfrog partnership platform - you decide to start up cooperation university as this 2nd main platform while maintaining metavillage platform; by now 1 billion poorest village mothers in tropics have stared sharing your solutions; perhaps its your eight of the worlds people who can scientifically clarify what cdgs or sdgs the world needs to unite race round if millennials are to be first sd generation ; perhaps the un needs to be your ultimate partner in cooperation global poverty uni; -see ; see who is picked up digital global cooperation challenge SINCE 2016