I havent the budget to go to egypt myself but i strongly recommend anyone concerned with uae colleges/ tech/ muslim futures connected with end poverty partners like abdul latif etc to go - i will try and select some speakers to see if a virtual debrief is possible - water infrastructure is something egypt needs to become world class benchmarking hub on
the africa leadin youth global futures debrief - guterres colle year - is ● Khalid Boudali, Presiding Officer, AU Economic, Social & Cultural Council (ECOSOCC)- extremely timely to understand what he wants to do if anyone has the contacts- he asked charles to find out if there arny new yorkers left to connect dots millennials in his regions of civil society need help building
2023 AIIB Annual Meeting. In 2016 we were making good progress in connecting fazle abed with chinese youth who wanted to bridge infrastructure but then the cafe bombing in dhaka caused chain to stop student visas to bangladesh and the meeting fazle abed had arranged to meet tsingua's leading youth ambassador was cancelled
Infrastructure is bedeviled by politics (careless of family development, careless of nature, irrelevant to the 75% of nations who dont have any major sources of minerals to export and so whom are double betrayed by the wests leading ri=ole in destroying climate) and sadly bangladesh is an example of a country that cant advance much more with out finding optimal partners across the whole region; because of the sad myanmar there is no way to connect the well designed trading coast of china with bangladesh and myanmar itself; this was actually the most interesting case of yunis book in 2008 which my father discussed with yunus
in my view london has the best infrastructure economist mediator in the west at the lse which is where keyu jin
is based; now that scotland is led by Humza Yousaf I would love to understand what trading relatiosnhips around teh world scottish people most need for scotland- for me sir danny alexander is one of the great heroes keeping sino-euro relationships going
in japan one of my heroines is koike, as mayor its interesting to see her club of mayors who exchange intel; she went to cairo university; i believe her father was in the energy business so she knows all the conflicts; japan is at a fascinating juncture - there is so much ai needs to do in developing communities within a nation sharing eg health solutions without borders - anyone who knew the late great dennis- theres also kindergarten up ai as well as getting ai started in kindergarten with modules of ai on dance , art, nature trails it it hadnt been for covid i had great hopes she would cement relations with former mayir of poenang now unhabotat head- they are extremely resolient community leaders
there's also the opportunity tp bridge uae expo with osaka expo 2025
if anyine wants to discuss this in ny my next trip there starts with breakfasrt meetings on 13 sept, or lets do very selctive zooms so that we focus eg on particulary western countries relationship with uae-egypt-africa assuming its simpler to do that though really want to support decolonial ai gameboard - a 21st c risk board game llm's by ai
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From: 2023 AIIB Annual Meeting <aiibregistration@delegate.com>
To: "chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk" <chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Monday, 4 September 2023 at 04:00:11 GMT-4
Subject: Register for the 2023 AIIB Annual Meeting

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