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how to celebrate 2.5 bn asian millennials leading sd goal generation
Consequences what happens when America's richest programmer bill gates reviews Ezra Vogel- Asia-America's kindest connector. .. Macraes' last 100 trips to Asia - they started with dad Norman Macrae teen serving in allied bomber command (today's Myanmar)- The Economist became min diary of Norman Macrae's half century of asian trips from Myanmar 1943 on- we archive that at normanmacrae.net economistjapan.com; connection of my 50 trips with 5 generations of my family in Asia only made full sense from 2001 and mostly 15 trips to Bangladesh thanks to interviews with Fazle Abed & friends 1 2 3 and young chinese scholars at his 80th birthday filled most gaps EconomistPoor.com .. Asia trips 1 to 51 india -1-3 1984-2004; indonesia 4-7 (1982-1994) ; singapore 8-10 (1982-1992) japan (11-17) 1985-2013; thailand (18.19) 1984-1995 ; malaysia (20-21) ; 1993 korea (22-23); 1990-2017 bangladesh (24-39) 2007-2018; dubai (40,41) 2015,6; qatar(42) 2017; china (43-50) 2016-2019 hong kong 51 (1996) like 7 members of my scotttish family tree i have enjoyed the huge privilege of learning more about advancing the human lot from the two thirds who are asian than my own race caucasian
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Friday, January 5, 2018
what are most exciting questions of belt road maps around asia in 2018
1 china has 13 border nations- india seems to be the only big one not sure about belt road mapping even though it co-invented new development banking as chinese and indian milennials have the most to gain on 1 green collaborations 2 girls tech collaborations 3 probably all big data small apps with india's billion person universal identity being a world leading resource
there are 3 chances for india and china to get closer in 2018 aiib mumbai, sco qingdao both in june and brics south africa september
2017's brics was hosted by china where all countries leaders agreed to share ecommerce masterclasses so the tech side is converhing nicely - whats interesting is china's jinping policy is designed round people-centric economies - this would mean that india by 2050 needs to be one of the 2 biggest economies too - lets hope china india get mapping - lots of joint work needed on china india bangladesh myanmar asean corridor
there are 3 chances for india and china to get closer in 2018 aiib mumbai, sco qingdao both in june and brics south africa september
2017's brics was hosted by china where all countries leaders agreed to share ecommerce masterclasses so the tech side is converhing nicely - whats interesting is china's jinping policy is designed round people-centric economies - this would mean that india by 2050 needs to be one of the 2 biggest economies too - lets hope china india get mapping - lots of joint work needed on china india bangladesh myanmar asean corridor
Thursday, January 4, 2018
below is a story - of Sheikha Moza, Guterres and all unknown refugee girls story -
\ you could help amy with --- amy is making a chinese version but japanese and india versions cool too
there is a problem with the this story which is the same as the problem harrison owen first introduced amy to
- conventional wisdom western people in power especially those in education will do everything they can to discredit anyone telling this story -
its a problem that is bringing us to the verge of insane wars- so we may say its quite important for young storytellers to know how to open space
BUT ALSO this remains why those who supported amy into spending 100000 $ a year studying at columbia arent just doubling
or nothing everything around her life but they better explain now what their plan was to open up columbia u
because its far away from playing fields i have spent my friends last 10 years exploring or which amy was helping me translate in 8 visits to beijing and one to her and mao's home spaces
E4 Sheikha Moza- Imagine all the people Part 1 (Lennon).
Through our Diaspora Scot and Indian family’s 20th diaries of observing entrepreneurs,
we have noted two opposite mindsets :
Type 2 those who love imagineering with the peoples
Type 1 those masters of administrating who despise such an exercise as not intellectual enough.
Here is one of the 2 most imaginative exercises the half of the world under 30 who grew up with the www have helped me search. For those who know how to value a more imaginative type 2 exercise please share, for others you probably wont want to read this (but any errors in messengering are mine alone chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk )
The last decade introduced me to a diary exercise way beyond any practical ability I’ll ever have. It starts up like this:
What if 46 years ago you sat in the middle of absolute destruction in rural villages (just hit by a cyclone killing 1 million people in the 8th most populous nation brand new to the world but in tatters after a war of independence located at the eastern corridor of what century old maps had called the British Raj (transferred 1858 to governance by Queen Victoria from the East Indies company)
You looked around with no electricity and searched for solutions to community building that could be replicated by the world’s poorest mothers and their daughters. While mcdonalds and coke macrofranchised obesity, your first puzzle was trying to microfranchise enough local nutrition for infants to breathe more than 1000 days
What if halfway through this search for sustainability (1996) some technologists (a mix of your own diaspora, MIT and Norwegian telecoms engineers, and an east European billionaire) said could mobile connectivity or microslar help any of your girls network more?
And what if during the last quarter of your life’s work in addition to Chinese technologista a female leader came to you: my peoples sit in a desert next to a large oilwell- we wonder if our future could share our education challenges and your solutions.
Enter Sheikha Moza stage left.
So thinking words of girl empowerment wisdom LET IT BE.
If you happened to be at the 7th wise education laureates summit in Qatar in November 2017, you could observe 2000 people linking in new AI ideas in education they could imagine around her highness sheikha moza joined by such special guests as
the first lady of turkey in her role of representing the largest new refugee camps,
the president of Ghana co-chair of the UN’s eminent people with his video of good cheer from Guterres in New York
and their first education laureate sir fazle abed- bangladesh’s origin of beaming up the value of village girls networks
Now here’s the craziest imagination exercise of 2018-2020 which is also America’s era of deciding whether there media can find a world beyond trump or obama or bush or Clinton none of whom were voted for to sit down with the poorest girls oil wells had produced.
What sort of map of human interest might emerge if you could triangularise two other leadership circles thus:-
3 people whose life has been surrounded by village and desert girls now desperately seeking worldwide sustainable youth and their teachers to collaborate communally and experiment with joyful livelihoods.
2 The technologists of what can we do mobilizing 1000 times more connectivity in 2016 than 1946
1 A club of 100 global2.0 leaders mapping what if the world biggest investment funds such as partners of new development banking and 21st C world trade routes for all need something completely different in terms of academic impacts.
That is if grounding orbits around the sustainability goals is to be today's education reality for the generation under 30 who will need to be in corporate responsibility’s prime time of the investment world of 2030. What if for any globalization problem community mashed up with tech platforms and curious youth apps is the local startup solution.
While we dare imagine; here’s the next invitation exercise of group 3 (eg sheikha moza, antonio guterres, sir fazle abed) : how, where, when can our wise learning summits interact with technology summits like jack Ma’s or the chinese BAT (Baidu-Alibaba-Tencent) or the american GAF (Google-Amazon-Facebook) and the 100 most trusted designers of new development banking (eg those mapping belt roads around Xi Jinping). How can we humanize ai in the classroom? How can big data small platform purposes of those 21st C markets that all the world's sustainability youth will be made or broken around.
========================= for those who want desert too:
here is a draft of singapore dean's view of where we are - wise 10000 networkers are linked primarily by 2 people sheikha moza, and stavros s who worked 10 years with this dean M before he was headhunted y qatar
Stavros S
Mahbubani M – next book: has west lost IT?
Previous Books - Can Asians think ? Beyond age of innocence; new asian hemisphere; the great convergence
S: you and I have known each other for a decade I used to work at LeeKuanYew school for public policy – we have had several discussions about theme you are best known for :re-emergence of asia as cultural and geopolitical force in world particularly china and India
please tell us: Your ideas on impact of this on education? Quick summary of your thesis:
M: We are entering completely new era of world history – end of western domination of world history (nb that’s not the end of the west - in fact the world needs very strong western civilization)
And return of asia (I call it return not the rise) BECAUSE from year 1 to 1820 the two largest economies in world were always India and china –the last 200 years Europe and north america took off – in that sense the last 200 years have been a major aberration compared with 2 millennia
Whats amazing is how fast this change is happening now!
IF you want to understand the turbulence of the world today like the gales of trump and or the immovable object of brexit ...its all
due to failure of western leaders to prepare their populations for tsi completely different era which is changing the lives of everyone around the planet
S you say failure of leaders – is that a failure reflected in education systems
M yes partially but it is firstly to do with a blindness in west which is why my next book is: has the west lost IT?
I make the case when facing fundamental changes to structure ui the world, the west need to readjust and adapt
For example, reported in my new book if you ask americans what event happened in 2001 with the most consequence for the human race – they say of course 9/11 where I would make the case that it was china joined the wto – when you introduce a billion workers into global capitalism system what will happen
this was what created a whole new dynamic where a lot of western workers lost their manufacturing jobs which is what eventually led to Donald Trump because elites in Europe and america didn’t tell their populations - they treated the consequences of china entering WTO as a top secret
The compound reality was bound to be that the entry of china into wto would be massive changes in the world economy - the innovation chalenge could have been how to make those joyous for everyone
S: if we bring our dialogue back to education we can see the return of Asia has had an impact:
- eg the numbers of chinese, Indian and f other Asians entering higher education and dominating disciplines like engineering --what impact is that having?
M very profound – in fact I say all asia countries should be sending thank you notes to the west's engineers
- fundamental reason of success in asia today is we are finally implementing 7 western pillars of wisdom one of which one is what western education used to celebrate– that idea of western education has liberated many asian societies eg through asians studying in western universities – amazing several hundred thousand asian students go each year to study in leading universities in America –
S: this is a gift but it could be a 2-way one when many of those students are staying in US
M I agree I would say all the anglo saxon countieis have benefited from asian studying at their universities but there is also now a political backlash eg since trump h1vi visa increasingly refused – which is a great pity
Because what america needs to do now is deal with a far more dynamic stronger chinese economy – the chinese are very lucky with 1.4 billion people = remarkable talent pool which china can now cream off ( In past americans creamed) – but this is all another illustration of western leaders failing to prepare their population –for the new world that is coming and to tell them we in usa can succeed if we harvest the best minds from around the world here but that requires a high level of public understanding that hasn’t happened yet in usa
S- how could that have been operated
M the simplest way: to prepare America people is to tell them – eg irreversible fact that china will once again have the worlds largest economy - .. the reality is America will come number 2 economy in the world – but as I wrote in book the great convergence all the americans I interviewed said we’ll continue with usa as number 1 – .gov cant say this publicly because its political suicide to say that in America- this shows there is something politically wrong in the culture of the usa and its media; it’s a result of the fact that the west has had dominance for 2 centuries that they cant conceive of a world in which the largest economies in the world wil l no longer ne western – even today 3 of top 4 are asian china, India japan (discounting eu as not a single economy)
S when we look at history its very European centric – feel world could have benefited from a more global understanding of history?
M You are absolutely right –one of most important areas of education is history – eg when I grew up in singapore – I learnt of history of English steel mils not of china and neighbors around us – we need to understand china , India asia in our own terms which frankly most western universities haven't started to study…
To give a simple example : if you read anglo saxon media and try to follow what happening in china – average westerner assumes nothing has change because a “communist” party is in power- its true that as recently as 1980 chinese people couldnt choose where to live what to wear,
today the same party is in power but personal choice is now everywhere – ( a big market opportunity)
So stereotypes western media use to describe chinese people are maddeningly outdated – chinese now have a lot of personal freedoms which they are relishing, as a result the condition of the chinese people today is the best that has ever been in chinese history, and the future is opening every young chinese imagination (eg over 10000 startups weekly today, versus zero non-stated companies in 1975!)
And many in west are not aware of any of this creativity because the western media doesn’t explain that
S: Lets focus again on edu in china and India – long tradition but hierarchical/elitist?
How do you see changes to that?
M you are right that traditionally hierarchical and in india difficult to break down class system--- BUT here china is different since the cukltural revolution broke down the class system – so now the chinese communist party is building a meritocracy – India hasn’t caught up in rhat but even in India the untouchable class have started to have access to education and become university and banking leaders
IIT graduates in india are one of most amazing alumni groups in the world
You see their influence eg in california
In next book has west lost it? – examples of how poverty down from 60% to 10%- world middle class population is exploding – by 2030 more than half of the world population will be enjoying middle class standards
2018 best or worst of times
so why not celebrating
M because doom and gloom of west – we need to persuade west the world is going to get better and better
S has west lost meritocracy because of narrow sense of standard examinations
- such exams in west are determined quite largely by family’s wealth – so has there been erosion of edu meritocracy in west?
M we meed to distinguish whats happening in ameerica where that has a lot of truth – especially as America deprives preschool – to be fair Nordica doing very good job in preschool – actually its model singapore is learning from’
in past in usa strength anyone could make it – now america has new class barriers due to wealth and making good education costly
s – let look at singapore where you are from –
M when singapore turned 50 in 2015 I wrote the huff post article – not since history had began has anty society liftes its people as fast as Singapore
So singapore remarkable case worth studying
3 point formula – MPH m meritocracy p pragmatism h hoinesty
implement mph in societies to be successful
mhp formula permeates through singapore education system – it imparts civic value explicitly – whereas other nations edu systems seem to shy away from value systems (honesty otlerance multiculturalism)
Many aspects of singapore's story are miraculous
In middle of 20th C, Britain left behind string of multicultural colonies
The only one that hasn’t suffered multiethnic strife is singapore – result of continuous intervention by government
for environment where everyone interacted communally – eg housing blocks ensures representaion of all the races
Without such intervention would have had ethnic separation as happens elsewhere
S – any final views or news on your next book and how wise alumni and friends can learn from you?
M I am linked in typical ways
Kishore Mahbubani – Personal Page of Kishore Mahbubani facebook linkedin
– my key point lot of pessimism in world – I want to market optimism –
thats why I can up with has west lost it it – main thesis west can do as well a rest but needs to relearn the value of its own 7 pillars- so eg china now celebrates pillar of free trade (why has west lost it) - the world is being turned upside down the more usa loses this pilar
Educate west population you need to make structural readjustment but you can do very well from that – huge middle class growth in asia will be an opportunity to trade but to do that west needs to change and look at world holistically and see the new opportunities- west needs youth to rediscover its confidence
this contribution from soros youth subnetwork on bottom up economics looks interesting
Topic: FYI: Fifth WINIR Conference_Institutions and the Future of Global Capitalism
This discussion topic can also be read at the Young Scholars Directory:
Posted: January 4th 2018, 20:21 in East Asia by Seung Woo Kim.
Posted: January 4th 2018, 20:21 in East Asia by Seung Woo Kim.
This conference might be of interests to members of the East Asia Working Group.
Institutions and the Future of Global Capitalism
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong, China
14-17 September 2018
The twenty-first century will see major disruptions to the global balance of politico-economic power. China will soon become the world’s largest economy; India is another rising giant. These and other developments – including growing inequality in several major economies – contest the Western institutional model of economic development and mount new institutional challenges at the global level. There is a recognised need for new or enhanced international orders, to sustain peace and international trade, as well as to address the problem of climate change. Meanwhile, an extended period of global integration has fuelled local discontent and led to a rise of nationalism and separatism. The international challenges of the twenty-first century place institutional development and reform at the top of the agenda.
Organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the Fifth WINIR Conference will explore these institutional challenges. Contributions from any academic discipline or theoretical approach that address the challenges and dynamics of the economic, political, legal and social institutions of our time are welcome. Submissions on other aspects of institutional research are also welcome, with preference to those that relate to WINIR’s aims and research priorities.
The conference will open on the afternoon of Friday 14 September 2018 and end with a dinner on the evening of Sunday 16 September. Delegates will depart on Monday 17 September. The Friday sessions will be held on the CUHK's attractive campus in the New Territories district. On Saturday and Sunday the conference will be held in the heart of the Central district of Hong Kong.
Keynotes lectures will be given by:
Xu Chenggang (University of Hong Kong, economics)
Justin Yifu Lin (National School of Development, economics)
Linda Weiss (University of Sydney, politics)
All abstract submissions must be in English, but on this occasion presenters will be allowed to present their papers in English or Chinese. Chinese- and English-speaking streams will run in parallel in the breakout sessions. Authors wishing to present their paper in Chinese must indicate this during the online abstract submission process.
Xu Chenggang (University of Hong Kong, economics)
Justin Yifu Lin (National School of Development, economics)
Linda Weiss (University of Sydney, politics)
All abstract submissions must be in English, but on this occasion presenters will be allowed to present their papers in English or Chinese. Chinese- and English-speaking streams will run in parallel in the breakout sessions. Authors wishing to present their paper in Chinese must indicate this during the online abstract submission process.
Submissions (300 words max.) will be evaluated be evaluated by the WINIR Scientific Quality Committee: Bas van Bavel (Utrecht University, history), Simon Deakin (University of Cambridge, law), Geoff Hodgson (University of Hertfordshire, economics), Uskali Mäki (University of Helsinki, philosophy), Katharina Pistor (Columbia Law School, law), Sven Steinmo (European Univeristy Institute, politics), Wolfgang Streeck (Max Planck Institute Cologne, sociology), Linda Weiss (University of Sydney, politics).
For further information, please visit: http://winir.org/?page=events&side=winir_2018
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
from 1962 the islands that did the most to chain poverty across tye old world (UK and Japan0 led by Japan started designing trade around youth as win-win currency - first to join in were the islands of singapore hong kong taiowa and korea's southern peninsular - in 1978 china asked Japan to share its engineering skills at beijing most practical university and biggest coal and steel plants (23) earlier a similar union between france and germany conceived the European Union at Messina- the difference the eu went on to be led by top down politicians whereas asia was led by Deming-inspires engineering networks)
today singapore has the highest and most equal earnings per person, its led various jobs university concepts thanks to leadership by lee kuan yew (and since his death) mahbubani- its leading the world in designing AI education curricula for 3rd grade teachers up- it shares its understanding across cultures repersenting asean's 10 diverse nations
as 90% of man's world trade is shipped it is true that singapore is located at one of the most magical locations where sea routes intersect- but an island who's maximum population capacity is around 6 million cant expect to compete with the megaports that nations like china and india need with over 1.2 billion people each-
singapore has developed its people exponentially rising over 60 years- its the greatest 5 million person social=economic miracle of its kind -and it open sources most of its learning solutionjs knowing that actionable learning multiplies values in use unlike consuming up thogs - when people like the world economic forum's schwab talk of Industrial Revolution 4 or PM Abe of Japan talks of Society 5.0 youth the world over can thank Singapore for illuminating ways ahead
today singapore has the highest and most equal earnings per person, its led various jobs university concepts thanks to leadership by lee kuan yew (and since his death) mahbubani- its leading the world in designing AI education curricula for 3rd grade teachers up- it shares its understanding across cultures repersenting asean's 10 diverse nations
as 90% of man's world trade is shipped it is true that singapore is located at one of the most magical locations where sea routes intersect- but an island who's maximum population capacity is around 6 million cant expect to compete with the megaports that nations like china and india need with over 1.2 billion people each-
singapore has developed its people exponentially rising over 60 years- its the greatest 5 million person social=economic miracle of its kind -and it open sources most of its learning solutionjs knowing that actionable learning multiplies values in use unlike consuming up thogs - when people like the world economic forum's schwab talk of Industrial Revolution 4 or PM Abe of Japan talks of Society 5.0 youth the world over can thank Singapore for illuminating ways ahead
the wise podcast with singapore dean mahbubani is very clear - it reminds me of why my father's 1991 survey was on the end of top-down politicians;
- 1991 Survey looking forward to The End of Politicians
it clarifies that if we serious want to sustain people-centred economies then we should expect the 2.5 billion people of china and india to lead the world's education that sustainability youth needs livelihoods to be mapped round...fortunately if we can find someone at wise and someone in india we know that the girls empowerment piece of this jigsaw is connected through sir fazle abed in bangladesh, i know the auditor of the asian infrastructure bank, and despite of brexit and trump I know the 2 english speaking people beijing depends on in mediating economic futures with india starting with aiib2018 mumbai june - this does not leave a lot of time
amy will be translating 10 world record profiles into chinese before her columbia university term starts up
i believe mahbubani is one of the 10 most critical profiles- as studying many parts of his work are new to me i need help if anyone sees errors that need editing out or omissions that need linking in before we translate english to chinese : sino-english publication world record jobs creators
E6 Dean Kishore Mahbubani
We are not aware of a 20th C national leader who continuously questioned the future jobs implications of developing a nation with more goodwill than the late great Lee Kuan Yew
When we recommend worldwide youth (and parents, educators) to study miracles of post-colonial win-win trade from the East - we recommend studying an oriential fusion: Japan , South Korea , the China Diaspora superports, China mainland, Asean., and gilrl empowered Bangladesh and notably the India of Gandhi's dreams
Singapore seems to us to be at the crossroads of 2 great human interest stories- the superports which not only provided the initial inward investment into the Chinese mainland but which are now part of belt road mapping as a curriculum students and teachers could be rehearsing everywhere.
When it comes to inter-hemisphere trade, Singapore bridges the far east superports like Taiwan , Hong Kong , then those blossoming on China 's East Coast with what has become the UAE's transformation beyond being a mix of desert and oil wells started by Dubai . Of course, the question that 5-million-people superports on their own can’t answer is what nations with huge lands and between 100 million to one billion people need to do to join new technology's death of distance age.
One of the soft clues: we may visibly celebrate a degree of multicultural harmony - practiced wherever Asean spirit has blossomed healthily and naturally.
Professors Mahbuban's book on Asean is a treasure in showing how to explore culture and value goodwill faiths. He clarifies how the Asean club of nations has in many ways sustained more trust across peoples than any other regional pact. Frankly speaking the European Union looks dismally bossed and badly bordered when compared to what Asean has empowered at its joyful best
There are also more specific market lessons from Singapore such as:
eg how public housing was deliberately built to mix up diverse cultures and as a community platform taking pride in your building and neigborhood; it would seem that Singapore's housing policy is one every supercity should understand (see the supercity.university search for open spaces designed so that all families thrive and all faiths are secure that we are investing in job creating education starting with youth born in historical underclasses or persistent poverty)
Note how Singapore self-examines itself as what can the smartest learning isle be for its people and for everyone it trades with
What is remarkable is how various dynamics of Singapore 's independence came out of the blue. As reports show, the British rather suddenly informed singapore that there was no longer defence budget to support it and in those early years cultural relations with Malaysia were complex as were the extraordinary micro questions of who to build hi-trust trading relationhips with? The answer emerged with the world's first super-airline and superairport- become the shopping-tourist stopover space of the world citizen. Display every kind of future quality and responsibly valued good.
Suddenly Singapore was living up to some modernday Kipling's paradise echoing the way Hangzhou had fashioned Marco Polo's most beautiful city of markets in the late 1200s.
Today Singapore is a strong supporter of every belt road the continent can map -and why wouldnt every hemisphere want their schools to play the mapping game of how belt roads can maximise each youth's collaboration entrepreneurship by learning how sharing economies mobilise what social services are truly economical across generations?
-In particular, Singapore is trying to help china and india see how much their emerging friendship could from 2018 add to the region. It also helps that Malaysia has commiitted fully to testing with Jack Ma the EWTP idea that ecommerce can bring free sme world trading.
Few people make a simpler case than mahbubani on how natural it can be if China and India retake the position that existed up to 1800 of countries being the largest fair (value chain) traders in line with their population size.
Mahbubani makes a wise facilitator of how much the west needs to adjust IF peace and millennials sustainable world trade are to be won for all our children.
For every problem, community is the solution as long as we end the way that patents and “not invented her” blocked eastern dreams being explored as sustaining worldwide youth even if their birthplaces were western or southern or northern
Mahbubani is very clear how western media and leaders havent prepared their peoples to see the opportunities of the 1000 times more tech connected world (2016 vs 1946) ; and if this investment in superconnectivity has changed the world's possibilities as humans design structures on the same global scale as nature's, how urgently we need to mediate green big bang (aiib2017) , ie climate leadership to blossom even faster than the superport learning isle model did over the last half century
==============more linkedin references
· 4 years ago
Astronaut Ron Garan poses massive collaboration challenge ( more http://spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/ ) at Yunus Centre
Over 45 years ago in The Economist, we argued that the west needed to prepare for a 21ts C learning economy in which all people thrive. By failing to map this, we risk losing sustainability of our species, as well as missing the opportunity of the best of times: whenever a girl or boy is born she has a fair chance at living a brilliant live. As a pure population numbers game, this means that all parents and educators should have been helping kids celebrate
china-asia-pacific century (see surveys 75, 77); 1975 Asian Pacific Century 1975-2075 1977 three peoples china- entrepreneurial revoltion (see 76 and 82), 1976's Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution; 12 week leaders debate; 1982's We're All Intrapreneurial Now
- tech leapfrog models (see 72 and book on changing education), these are the most exciting times to be alive
- end of the bossy western politician (see 91). 1991 Survey looking forward to The End of Politicians
Mahbubani not only makes this case but explains why all asean peoples should now be mediating positive relationships between chinese and india youth especially on :
1 economies built round girls education,
2 media that celebrates tech wizards of big data small and borderless sme-markets world (see how Jack Ma faciliated this at China G20 in 2016) - which summits going forward can help the world unite around these valuation logics however much they take away the western politician's power to boss.
he Great Convergence: Asia, the West, and the ... - Foreign Affairs
In this eloquent and searching portrait of today's transforming global order, Mahbubani argues that the world is only a few steps away from a global governance system that will unite regions, civilizations, and great powers.
'The Great Convergence: Asia, the West, and the Logic of One World ...
Kishore Mahbubani on The Great Convergence - Brookings Institution
==================== EconomistAsia.net Future History: India/Bangla Women Empower, Japan & ChinaTrust, Sustainability Millennial
From: Javeed Mirza
Dear Chris and friends of the Education fraternity
The past few months have been a period of intense learning from the enlarged community folks, thanks to WISE. I have been working non-stop in India building Consortium of Minority and Poor students to avail the Educate a Child program of the Education Above All agency of Qatar foundation. I am also talking to local govts. and pitching them for initiating Vocational Training. (Enclosed is a report of my visit with recommendations to the Telangana State govt.). Also I have been learning from visiting various institutions at local levels, doggedly persisting in Teaching in the best way that they know. It is important that these Teaching institutions be told of the enormous learning scope through Openware courses and learning I am introducing them to these Learning possibilities,including availability of free books (www.pdfdrive.net).
Chris, your persistent rallying in support of Youth and change has been inspiring.
Thank you all
Warm Wishes
Javeed Mirza
On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 1:34 PM, christopher macrae <chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
javeed you mentioned that you would be surveying indian funders etc who might be looking for revolutionary scaling partnershipsi believe hujiang is trailblazing online platforms in ways that i havent yet seen anywhere else; we can create tens of millions of more jobs with brac style microfranchises provided we find which people scale edutech .. we cant just wait to after summer 2020 when jack ma launches that; modi and jinping need this to help them unite round the china india bangladesh myanmar corridorhere is the short speech hujiang founder gave at wise
2017 WISE Summit: the most provocative talk by @Arnold Fu from #HujiangEdte...
2017 WISE Summit: the most provocative talk by @Arnold Fu from #HujiangEdtech #WISEand here is a pr summary in which surprisingly I am quoted as loving hujiangI am looking for some way that a group of us can get back to hujiang's founder in shanghai - I suspect he will become more and more in demand across wise summitsIdeally i would like to arrange a visit in shanghai and make sure education becomes as pivotel to belt road summits as new development banking- i will be checking with a few of the chinese at wise in the new year to get their views but lets keep thinking about how we might collectively approach hujiang
Hujiang EdTech CEO Arnold Fu Gives Keynote Address At 2017 WISE Awards
Fu also heralds 'The Revolution In Education' That Innovative Educational & Tech Companies Are Drivi...Hujiang has over 100 million students either making courses like english more affordable on moving beyond standard exams to experiential learning particularly for village childrencheers chris
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